
Tag Archives: Fibc Q Bags

What are Q BagsWhat are Q BagsAugust 24, 2022FIBC BagsQ Bags are a unique type of FIBC Bags that caters to the problem of bulging in the bags. These bags ensure that when the bag is filled with any sort of materials up to the brim, there is no bulging on the side of the bag. They maintain the shape and secure the products from falling over. If the bag is expanded on the sides, it increases the risks of accidents and poses a threat to the product inside the bag. Thus, during the entire process beginning from storing the product to safely transporting it to its respective place, Q Bags are used which give a straight shape to the bag. How do Q Bags prevent bulging? Q Bags are […]continue reading
A Mini Guide to FIBC Bag Design for Food BusinessesA Mini Guide to FIBC Bag Design for Food BusinessesMarch 22, 2022FIBC BagsProduct spillage during transit or contamination due to poor packaging are vital concerns for those running a food business. Such occurrences can negatively affect your company’s revenue figures and reputation. How can you adequately safeguard your food product packaging against wasteful spills or contamination? Choosing FIBC bags is your answer.  FIBC bulk bags are the […]continue reading
Why You Should Choose Baffle Bag?Why You Should Choose Baffle Bag?February 27, 2021Baffle BagsStorage bags are widely used for carrying different kinds of products, whether they are agro goods, fresh produce, and fertilizers or chemicals, cement, sand, etc. Since standard bags tend to bulge and often result in spillage when filled to full capacity, Baffle bags (also known as Q Bags) are specifically designed to address this issue. […]continue reading
BRCGS Certified FIBCs: The Ideal Packaging Solutions for Food IndustryBRCGS Certified FIBCs: The Ideal Packaging Solutions for Food IndustryJune 17, 2020FIBC, Packaging SolutionBulk transportation of food-grade products or agricultural products in safe and secured containers poses a challenge for most businesses, as these products are bio-degradable and run the risk of being contaminated. The use of BRCGS certified FIBC (Flexible Intermediate Bulk Container) Bags, to transport food grade and agricultural products, come as great packaging solutions for […]continue reading
Choosing FIBC Q Bags For Your Storage NeedsChoosing FIBC Q Bags For Your Storage NeedsAugust 06, 2019FIBCThe bulk packing in recent days is seen with very economic options selected in packaging, utilizing maximum space in the container. Looking at that FIBC Q Bag is a specific design that allows containers loading with maximum space used. The Square shape design bag has its unique self-standing capability to perfectly fit on pallets. Due […]continue reading